
Reintegration Programme for Separated Soldiers Receives New Backing


The Norwegian Government is contributing US$ 1.9 million towards IOM’s ongoing programme to provide reintegration assistance to discharged soldiers to ensure their successful transition into civilian society and workforce.

The aim of IOM’s Reintegration Assistance to Separated Defence Personnel Programme is to facilitate the reintegration of some 3,000 discharged soldiers by providing regular information and counselling with respect to opportunities for gainful employment and/or self-employment as civilians. Special attention is given to former soldiers coming from economically depressed war affected areas.

IOM offices in Zagreb, Split and Osijek have so far distributed more than 3,000 registration forms to discharged defence personnel, registered 2,331 potential candidates, performed 2,308 one-on-one interviews and signed 1,655 reintegration assistance contracts with beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries can apply for in-kind reintegration funds to help them acquire professional equipment, to obtain additional training for future employment, to modernize existing business facilities or to secure administrative licenses to start micro enterprises.

Purchase of professional equipment for work in agriculture, construction and tourism constitutes the most requested form of assistance. The programme also provides opportunities for further education, business training and referrals to the public and private sector.

An IOM survey carried out in April 2006 indicates that 93% of the beneficiaries are male, of an average age of 43 and that 86% wish to start up or continue self-employment activities.

With peace and stability having returned to Croatia, and with the prospect of NATO and EU membership, the Croatian Ministry of Defence (MoD) initiated in 2002 a phased downsizing programme for some 12,000 military and civilian personnel to be carried out over a four-year period.

The Norwegian and Dutch governments have co-funded this programme in 2004 and 2005. This new Norwegian funding will address the reintegration needs of a further 500 demobilized soldiers.

IOM has successfully provided reintegration support to former soldiers in Angola, Bosnia Herzegovina, Congo Brazzaville, Guatemala, Haiti, Mali, Mozambique, the Philippines, Kosovo and East Timor.

For more information, please contact:

Ivan ?eko
IOM Zagreb
Tel +385 21 315 699

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities