
IOM Croatia staff attends a two-day training on counter-trafficking

IOM Croatia staff attends a two-day training on counter-trafficking

From 8-9 March 2016 IOM Croatia staff attended a two-day training focusing on counter-trafficking. The training was held at the WRTC in Slavonski Brod and was chaired by Ms. Irina Todorova, Migrant Assistance Division Regional Thematic Specialist (MAD RTS).

The objectives of the training were to provide the participants with an overview of the IOM Migrant Assistance Portfolio and IOM Policy on Protection. Moreover, it provided an insight into current trends and responses, case management and available data collection and analysis tools. 

A special emphasis was put on providing assistance to vulnerable migrants and unaccompanied migrant children through lessons learned and experiences in addressing irregular migration and assisting migrants and refugees within mixed migration flows.

Finally, challenges in victims of trafficking identification were presented and possible identify solutions were provided.


SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities