In the frame of its Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reiterated the need for migrant-inclusive approaches in the overall COVID-19 response and recovery and calls on countries to address the particular needs and vulnerabilities of migrants, regardless of their legal status, in the spirit of Universal Health Coverage.

Improving Access to COVID-19 Vaccinations for Vulnerable Migrants in Humanitarian Settings

The overall goal of this project was to encourage informed decisions related to the Covid-19 vaccination among migrant population.

Access to COVID-19 vaccination must be ensured to all migrants, despite of their legal and/or administrative status. Furthermore, it was important to raise awareness among the migrant population on the importance of the Covid-19 vaccination in a culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate way.

In Croatia, in close collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior IOM will organize a Migrant health trainings for police border officers and front-liners working with migrants to enhance officials’ capacities to continue to work and to adapt their operational practices to the context of COVID-19 response at Points of Entry (PoE).

IOM Croatia and IOM Slovenia conducted social mobilization activities,  and produced serias of information materials vaccine hesitancy, specific to COVID-19, which has been translated to several language: english, spanish, ukrainian, russian, farsi, urdu, and albanian. 


Find additional information in Croatian and Slovenian brochures translated on the next languages: 












Video clips


Video clips on Croatian with translation:  

English: video_iom_hr-english.mp4  

Farsi: video_iom_hr-farsi.mp4

Ukrainian: video_iom_hr-ukrainian.mp4

Russian: video_iom_hr-russian.mp4

Video clips on Slovenian with translation: 

English: video_iom_si-english.mp4

Farsi: video_iom_si-farsi.mp4

Ukrainian: video_iom_si-ukrainian.mp4

Russian: video_iom_si-russian.mp4


Duration: 9 months (July 2021 – April 2022)

Donor: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


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